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Terms of Use

  • Terms of Use
  • Privacy Policy
    • Integrated Terms of Use
    • Baseball
    • Golf
    • Training
    • Balance
    • Chapter 1 Application of Terms and Conditions

      ARTICLE 1. Purpose

      Thank you for using Services provided by SALTED Corp. (the "Company"). The Company has prepared the SALTED Inc. Comprehensive Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these terms") that can be comprehensively applied into the SALTED Services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as 'Services') for Users (referring to non-members who do not agree to these terms and conditions) or members (referring to those who agree with the terms and conditions to enter into a contract with the Company and use the Services provided by the Company). The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to outline general provisions including the rights, duties and responsibilities, terms of use and procedures necessary in your use of Services.

      • ' SALTED Service' refers to the Services that uses the “SALTED” brand provided by the Company (e.g., SALTED Golf).

      ARTICLE 2. Contents, Effect and Changes of the Terms and Conditions

      • 1. The contents of these terms and conditions are posted in individual Services provided by the Company or on the front page of Services or are notified in other methods. The Terms and Conditions shall have effect on both Users and members who have agreed to them (hereinafter referred to as “Users”).
      • 2. The Company may change these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations. In case that terms and conditions are changed, the Company shall notify the User of the change in the notice on the website from 7 days prior to the effective date. If the changes inevitably affect Users adversely, the Company shall notify or inform reasonably, such as posting on the website with a grace period of 30 days in advance or sending an e-mail to the e-mail address registered by the User, or a text message to the mobile phone number.
      • 3. Users are deemed to agree to the revised Terms and Conditions unless there is no indication of the User's intention after the Company clearly notifies or informs in accordance with the preceding paragraph that Users are deemed to be agreeing to any changes made if they do not give refusal from the date of notification to the date of enforcement of the revised terms and conditions. If the User does not agree to the revised terms and conditions, the User may terminate the use of that Service in accordance with Paragraph 1, Article 13.

      ARTICLE 3. Additional Terms and Conditions

      Any matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the relevant laws or the individual terms and conditions of Service, operation policies and rules set by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Detailed Guidelines’). In addition, if there is a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the Detailed Guidelines, the Detailed Guidelines shall be followed.

      Chapter 2 members

      ARTICLE 4. Membership Registration

      • 1. SALTED account refers to a login account that a User needs to use the SALTED Service. A SATLED account is created as a procedure in which the User agrees to the terms and conditions and enters the necessary specific information to create a SALTED account, and the Company verifies the entered specific information and then approves the joining.
      • 2. Social login ID refers to another Service (Naver, SALTED, Apple, Facebook, Google) account that the User has previously signed up to identify himself in the SALTED Service, it is created as a procedure in which a User agrees to the individual terms of Service or these terms and conditions, enters the necessary information required for membership registration, applies for use, and the Company approves.
      • 3. Users do not necessarily need a SALTED Account to use SALTED Services, but you may need a social login account for certain SALTED Services. Users may only use individual Services with a social login ID that has agreed to the individual Service terms.

      ARTICLE 5. Rejecting or Withholding Approval of Creating SALTED Account or Social Login ID

      • 1. The Company may not approve the User’s creation of SALTED Account and/or Social login ID in the following cases. In particular, if the User is under the age of 14, the User can create a SALTED account ID only if the User have consent from a legal representative such as parents.
        • • In case that the Company has deleted the User's SALTED account or social login ID in accordance with these terms and conditions.
        • • In case of an illegal use of other's name.
        • • In case that a User do not enter required information or enter false information in the process of signing up for membership.
        • • In case of violation of any applicable law or regulation, or additional terms and conditions or standards set by the Company, such as Detailed Guidelines.
      • 2. If it is found that the User has created a SALTED account and/or social login ID in violation of the above conditions, the Company may make appropriate restrictions, such as immediately stop providing Services to the User or deleting the SALTED account and social login ID.
      • 3. The Company may withhold creating the User's SALTED account and/or social login ID in the following cases.
        • • In case that there is no practical space in the installed capacity to provide Services
        • • In case if it is judged that there is a technical issue to provide the Service.
        • • Other cases where the Company deems it financially and technically necessary.

      Article 6. Management of SALTED Accounts or Social Login IDs, etc.

      • 1. The SALTED account and social login ID can only be used by the User, and it cannot be allowed to use the User’s SALTED account and social login ID by others. Users should manage their password by themselves so that others may not have unauthorized access to Users’ SALTED account and social login ID. The Company may require the User to enter a password to prevent unauthorized use of your SALTED account and/or social login ID by others. If unauthorized access is found, please notify us through the Customer Center, then the Company shall provide instructions to prevent unauthorized access to the User.
      • 2. Users can view and change User information through the Settings menu in Services. However, some information such as SALTED account, social login ID, phone number, unique device identifiers and other User identification information necessary for the provision and management of the Service may not be able to be modified. And in case any modification is made, an additional User identification process may be required. If there is a change in the content provided by the User when applying for Service usage, it is possible to modify the information directly on the Service or contact us via email or Customer Center.
      • 3. The Company is not responsible for any losses caused by Users not updating the information in the Service.

      CHAPTER 3. Use of Service

      ARTICLE 7. Providing and Changing Various Services, etc.

      • 1. The Company provides various Services that Users can enjoy on the Internet and mobile, such as a social networking Service, bulletin board, online content Service, and location-based Services. Users may download and install the Service from an application store on a mobile device (e.g., smartphone, tablet PC, etc.), install it directly on a PC, or visit the website to use the Service.
      • 2. The Company provides Users with a personal, worldwide, non-assignable, non-exclusive and royalty-free license of the software necessary for the User to fully use the Service. However, this does not grant Users the right to use our trademark and logo.
      • 3. The Company may provide an updated version of the software needed to use Services for better Service. Updating software includes addition of important features or removing unnecessary features.
      • 4. For better Service, the Company may display various information, including various notices, administrative messages, and advertisements and other information related to the use of the Service to the User on the Service or send it directly to the User's e-mail account.
      • 5. If you encounter problems such as system errors while using Services, please contact the SALTED Customer Center at any time.
      • 6. Please note that in the process of using the Service, if the User does not use the Wi-Fi wireless Internet but connects to the wireless Internet of the mobile operator which the User have joined, an additional data fee may be charged to the User from the mobile operator. Data charges incurred in the process of using the Service must be paid by the User to the mobile operator at the User's expense and responsibility. Please contact your mobile operator for further inquiries regarding data plans.

      ARTICLE 8. How to Use Services and precautions

      • 1. Users can freely use our Services, but they cannot use the Service in the following ways.
        • • Users are not allowed to impede the Service provision incorrectly or access the Service using a method other than the method guided by the Company.
        • • Users shall be prohibited from unauthorized collecting, using, or providing information of other Service Users to others; transmitting commercial information or using the Service for commercial purposes against the recipient's explicit intention to refuse or without the recipient's explicit consent; sending or posting information that violates public order and morals and laws, such as obscene information, copyright infringement, information posting false facts about the Company or a third party, etc.
        • • Do not copy, modify, distribute, sell, transfer, lend, or provide collateral or allow any third party to use the Service or part of the software included therein without the consent of the Company. Also, copying, disassembling, imitating, or other modification of the Service, such as reverse engineering software or attempting to extract source code are prohibited.
      • 2. The User cannot transfer or donate the right to use the Service or other status under the contract to another person and cannot provide it as collateral.
      • 3. If the User does not comply with the relevant laws and all terms and conditions or policies of the Company, the Company may investigate violation acts, and the postings may be deleted or temporarily deleted, the User's use of the Service may be temporarily or permanently suspended, or re-joining may be restricted.
      • 4. The Company may destroy or store separately information of the User after notification by other valid means, such as sending an e-mail or text message to the e-mail address registered by the User, or to the mobile phone number, if there is no record of logging in or accessing the Service by the User for the period stipulated by the law. This may result in the termination of the contract to use our Service if there is not enough essential information for using the Service.

      Article 9. Management of Postings

      • 1. If the User's postings contain any violation of the relevant Act, such as the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter "the Act on Information and Communications Network") and the Copyright Act, the legitimate holder of the right may request the Company to suspend and delete the postings in accordance with the procedure set by the relevant law, and the Company shall take action in accordance with the relevant law.
      • 2. Even without any request from the legitimate holder of the right, the Company may take temporary measures for the postings in accordance with the relevant laws if there exists anything that may be deemed to constitute infringement of the right or if it violates the Company’s policies and related laws.
      • 3. The detailed procedures related to the above follow the ‘Reporting Infringement of Rights’ procedure specified by the Company within the extent set forth by the Act on Information and Communications Network and the Copyright Act.

      ARTICLE 10. Proprietary Rights and Use of Copyrighted Materials

      • 1. Users can post content (hereinafter referred to as “posts”) such as photos, articles, information, (videos), SALTED Services, opinions or suggestions for individual Services or the Company, and intellectual property rights including copyrights for these posts belongs to the right holder.
      • 2. When a User uploads a post on the SALTED Service or an individual Service, the User is deemed to grant the Company a worldwide and permanent license that allows it to be exposed to both SALTED Service and individual Service and used in such a way as to use, store, modify, replicate, distribute, etc. to the extent necessary. The License continues to survive even if the User stop using the Service or withdraw from the SALTED account and/or social login ID. Some Services may provide methods to access or delete content provided by Users (however, depending on the Service or content properties, it may be unable to delete posts).
      • 3. Users must have the necessary rights to grant us the license for the content provided to the Company. The person who uploads the posts is responsible for any issues arising out of not having these rights. In addition, Users may not disclose or post content that is obscene, violent, or violates other public order and morals.
      • 4. The Company may remove or refuse to post the content of the User if it is deemed to be in violation of the law, to be harmful to the minors, to encourage discrimination or conflicts, bombarding, advertisement, marketing and spam messages, intends to transfer or sell accounts, to post impersonating others. However, the Company is not obligated to monitor all content. If you believe someone has violated your rights, you can get help with the request to suspend the posting through the Customer Center.
      • 5. Our Services may display some content that the Company does not own. For such content, the entity providing the content is solely responsible for all responsibility. Using our Services does not give the User any rights on the content of other Users. Users must obtain permission from the content owner separately to use other Users' content.

      ARTICLE 11. Using Paid Services

      • 1. Our Company provides Services free of charge, but some Services can be charged.
      • 2. In principle, if a User uses the paid Service provided by the Company, the User may use them after paying the usage fee unless there is a separate mutual contract. The payment method of the usage fee for the paid Service provided by the Company includes online non-bankbook deposit, virtual account deposit, real-time account transfer prepaid card, debit card, credit card payment issued in Korea and abroad, the payment mileage through the electronic payment methods such as PayPal, etc., and there may be differences in payment method for each paid Service. For Services where the monthly payment is made, payments shall be automatically charged for Services billed every month unless the User stops using the Service and requests cancellation of the periodic payment.
      • 3. The Company may request the additional personal information of the User, which is necessary to proceed with the payment, the User should provide the accurate personal information required by the Company.
      • 4. If a User wants to get a refund of the usage fee due to reasons attributable to himself/herself, the general method is as follows.
        • • If the paid Service provided by the Company is a Service that lasts for less than one month (payment basis) after payment, the remaining amount shall be refunded after deducting the amount that corresponds to the number of days use from the date of termination. These provisions of this section also apply to Services on a monthly plan.
        • • If the paid Service provided by the Company is a Service that lasts for more than one month (payment basis) after payment, refunds shall be made after deducting the amount equivalent to the number of days of use from the date of termination and 10% of the total remaining days. However, if termination is requested within 7 days from the start date of using the paid Service, refunds shall be made after deducting only the amount equivalent to the number of days used.
      • 5. In spite of the above provisions, the full amount paid by the individual User shall be refunded in the following cases.
        • • In case that there is no history of using the Service after the User made payment.
        • • Service errors or failure to use the Service due to reasons attributable to the Company despite meeting the minimum technical specifications suggested by the Company.
        • • The Service purchased by the User has not provided.
        • • In case that the Service provided is different from the display or advertisement, or there is a significant difference.
        • • If the use of the Service is apparently impossible due to defect of Services provided.
      • 6. Users can make complaints about usage fee. However, the Users should send complaints within one month from the date they recognize the occurring of causes and within three months from the date the causes have occurred.
      • 7. In the case of an overcharge or a full refund, the Company must refund in the same way as the payment made for the usage fee. If the refund is impossible in the same way or in the case of partial refund due to midterm termination of the Service, the refund shall be made in a way determined by the Company. However, if the refund requires the User's cooperation, the delayed interest shall not be paid for the delay in refund due to reasons attributable to the User. The cost of refunding is borne by the User If the refund is attributable to the User, and If the refund is attributable to the Company, the cost of refunding is borne by the Company.
      • 8. If there is a conflict between the provisions of the paid Service in these Terms and Conditions and the contents of the individual paid Service terms and conditions, they are subject to the individual terms and conditions.

      ARTICLE 12. Using, Modifying and Terminating Services

      • 1. In principle, the Company provides Services 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the provision of Services may be temporarily suspended due to regular or temporary inspection for maintenance and repair of equipment, or other considerable reasons. If Services are unexpectedly suspended, the Company shall restore the Service as soon as possible as it figures out the causes.
      • 2. The Service may be changed, or may be terminated due to termination and change of contract with the contracted CP (content provider) to provide the Company's Service, or the commencement of a new Service. The Company shall post notice for changes or termination of Services on the screen of individual Services or in the Notices page. Any changes or termination of the Service that have a significant influence on Users shall be notified individually by e-mail (other electronic means such as a notification within the Service if Users do not have an email) or by sending a text message to a phone number.

      ARTICLE 13. Terminating the Use of Service

      • 1. If a User does not want to continue using our Service, the User can request for termination of the contract of use at any time by using the menu provided in Services, the Company shall take actions promptly in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
      • 2. Upon the termination of the contract of use, the Company deletes all data such as User information or posts created by the User, except when the User's information is retained in accordance with the relevant laws and the Privacy Policy. However, in the case that a third party post the User’s post using a scrap or other sharing function, or if the User added a comment to a third party's post, the post and comment shall not be deleted, so please delete it before deactivating your account.
      • 3. In addition, Users can selectively terminate a part of the various Services, in this case the data in relation to the terminated Services only shall be deleted. SALTED accounts and social login IDs for other Services shall remain.
      • 4. The termination of the paid Service contract shall be concluded by the User's request for termination of the Service and the Company's consent, and if there is a refund amount, the refund shall be made. However, if each individual paid Service stipulates a contract termination method and effect that is different from these terms and conditions, it is subject to the provisions of each individual terms and conditions.
      • 5. Even if the contract of use has been terminated, the User can apply for the contact of use with the Company again. However, for some Services, time restrictions may apply when signing a contract for use. To learn more about this, please see the Detailed Guidelines.

      ARTICLE 14. Protecting Personal Information

      The User's personal information is used only for the purpose and scope agreed by the User to provide better Services. The Company shall never provide the User's personal information to a third party unless the User agrees, or otherwise it is permitted by law. To learn more about the efforts the Company make to safely process Users' personal information, please see the Privacy Policy.

      ARTICLE 15. Offering Location-based Services

      • 1. The Company may include location-based Services (“LBS”) in its range of Services to provide useful Services that are more beneficial to the User's real life.
      • 2. The Company's location-based Service is a free that receives location information from a location information provider, which collects location information of the User's terminal device, and provides. Specifically, as follows.
        • • A Service that allows Users to share their current or certain location with other Users or upload relevant posts (Location Sharing Service).
      • 3. If a User is under 14 years old and want to use LBS based on the personal location information, the Company shall use or provide the User's personal location information, and in this case, consent from a legal representative such as parents is required. If it is found that the LBS has been used without consent of a legal representative, the Company may impose necessary restrictions such as an immediate suspension for the use of the LBS by the User.
      • 4. Users (including legal representatives of Users under the age of 14) can withhold consent to the use of personal location information related to the Service, the purpose of the provision, and the scope of those who receive it and part of the LBS, or can revoke all or part of consent on use and provision, or can request temporary suspension. The Company shall keep personal location information and data confirming the use and provision of personal location information for at least 6 months for six months or longer in accordance with Act on the Protection, Use, etc. of Location Information. If the User revoke all or part of consent, the Company shall destroy the personal location information and data confirming the use and provision of location information without delay.
      • 5. Users (including legal representatives of Users under the age of 14) can request access to or notification of the reasons and details when the data confirming the use and provision of location information of Users or the personal location information of Users is provided to a third party in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and if there is an error, the User can request correction. If the Company provides the personal location information of the User directly to a third party designated by the User, the User shall be immediately notified of the person who receives the personal location information, the date and time of the provision, and the purpose of the provision through the mobile device, etc. that has collected personal location information in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
      • 6. If the custodian of children under the age of 8 (including incompetent persons and persons with severe mental disorders) provides written consent for the use or provision of the personal location information, the Company shall be deemed to have the consent of the person concerned, and in such cases, the custodian may exercise all rights of the subject of personal location information.
      • 7. If the User's rights are infringed in relation to LBS provided by the Company, or the User needs to exercise the rights, you can get assistance from the Customer Center. If it is difficult to settle disputes related to location information between the User and the Company, the User may submit a request for mediation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee in accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 28 of Act on the Protection, Use, etc. of Location Information and Article 43 of Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

      CHAPTER 4. Miscellaneous

      Article 16. Compensation for damages, etc.

      • 1. The Company does not make any contracts or give warranties for any specific matters not specified in these terms and conditions in relation to the Service to the extent permitted by law. In addition, the Company does not guarantee the reliability and accuracy of information, data and facts posted on the Service by method of providing by a CP (Contents Provider) or creating by a member and is not liable for any loss or damage incurred to the User without negligence of the Company.
      • 2. The Company shall compensate the User for any loss which has occurred due to the Company's negligence in compliance with these Terms and Conditions and relevant laws. However, the Company shall not be liable for the following loss or damage caused without the Company's negligence. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages to the extent permitted by law.
        • • Damages caused by natural disasters or equivalent force majeure conditions
        • • A failure to use the Service due to reasons attributable to the User
        • • Personal losses incurred in the process of accessing or using the Service
        • • Losses due to illegal access to or use of the Company's server by a third party
        • • Damage caused by a third party interfering with the transmission to or from the Company server
        • • Losses due to transmitting or distributing malicious programs by a third party
        • • Damage incurred in the process of using the Service by a third party, such as damage caused by omission, loss, or destruction of transmitted data, or defamation, etc.
        • • Other losses caused by reasons without intention or negligence of the Company

      ARTICLE 17. Notices and Announcements

      Our Company consider the exchange of opinions with the Users valuable. Users can visit the Customer Center at any time to express their opinions. The Company notifies or informs Users reasonably, such as sending an email to the email address used as a SALTED account or social login ID, sending a text message to the mobile phone number registered by the User, or posting notifications. Notices to all Users shall become effective by posting them on Notice page in Service for more than 7 days.

      ARTICLE 18. Dispute Resolution

      These terms and conditions or Services are stipulated and implemented by the laws of the Republic of Korea. If there is a dispute between the Company and the User relating to the use of Services, the Company shall consult it in good faith to resolve any disputes. Nevertheless, if unsettled, the case may be taken to the competent court of the Korean Civil Procedure Law.
      • • Date of Notice: March 15, 2021
      • • Effective date: March 22, 2021
        The previous Privacy Policy can be found below.
      • - Effective from December 12, 2019-March 21, 2021
      If you have any inquiries on Services (including location-based Services), please visit or contact our Customer Center.
    • Chapter 1 Application of Terms and Conditions

      Article 1 (Purpose)

      The purpose of these terms and conditions is to prescribe the rights and responsibilities of the service and user (referring to non-members who did not agree to the terms and conditions) and members (referring to persons who agreed to the terms and conditions and entered a usage agreement with the company who can use the services provided by the company) for using the SALTED Baseball Service (hereinafter called Service) offered by SALTED Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called Company).

      Article 2 (Definition of Terms)

      The definition of the terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows and shall be in accordance with that stipulated by relevant laws and service information.
      • 1) Service: Refers to providing links to go to YouTube Baseball contents page, offers video contents for swing, batting. Pitching. catching by position of professional baseball player, as well as recording golf swings and mobile (Android, iOS) application services for viewing, recording and saving Insole data in real-time according to actions by linking with the SALTED Smart Insole.
      • 2) Account: Refers to membership identification unit for managing the Service usage history of each member.
      • 3) Refers to the login account policy designated by Company to manage member authentication, change of member information, subscription and cancellation, etc. using a single ID and password for the Service provided by Company. At this time, IDs shall be limited to up to three e-mail addresses such as Kakao, Google or Apple accounts that the user has already signed up to.
      • 4) Mobile device: Refers to electronic devices such as the user’s mobile phone, tablet PC, etc. for using Service.
      • 5) SALTED Smart Insole: Refers to the IoT-based Smart Insole device provided by Service that links to the mobile device via Bluetooth.
      • 6) Insole data: Refers to data on the pressure applied to SALTED Smart Insole when a member inserts the SALTED Smart Insole in the shoes and stands on the ground.
      • 7) Data: Refers to videos produced or backed up by members or swing, batting. Pitching. catching practice record files. Videos may include Insole data.
      • 8) Backup: Refers to the act of synchronizing data saved by a member in the mobile device to the server.
      • 9) Membership withdrawal: Refers to the act terminating usage agreement with Company by member

      Article 3 (Expression, Explanation and Revision of Terms and Conditions)

      • 1. Company shall post the contents of the terms and conditions, company name, CEO name, business address (including address of center for processing consumer complaints), telephone no., E-mail address, business registration no., online marketing business declaration no., personal information management supervisor, etc. through its company website or connection screen of the Service in a manner that it is easy for members to peruse.
      • 3. If the company revises the terms and conditions, the date of application and the reason for amendment shall be specified on the initial screen of the company's website along with the current terms and conditions at least 7 days prior to the effective date.
        However, if the contents of the terms and conditions are revised against the user, it shall be posted in the Service or connection service that can reasonably help members become aware of such revisions at least 30 days in advance. Company shall clearly compare the contents before and after revision for easy recognition by members.
      • 4. Notwithstanding the Company clearly notifying or announcing its intent to members that ‘if the will to deny from the date of notification until the enforcement date of the revised terms and conditions, it shall be deemed to be agreed to,’ if the member does not indicate his or her intent to deny, it shall be deemed that the member agrees to the changed terms and conditions. Should the member not agree to the revised terms and conditions, he or she may withdraw membership according to the regulations of these terms and conditions.
      • 5. By principle, the terms and conditions shall be applied from the date of agreeing to these terms and conditions until withdrawing membership. However, some provisions of these terms and conditions may be effective even upon withdraw membership.
      • 6. For matters not prescribed in these terms and conditions or on its interpretation, it shall be in accordance to the ACT ON THE CONSUMER PROTECTION IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, ETC., FRAMEWORK ACT ON ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AND TRANSACTIONS, GUIDELINES FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, ETC. as prescribed by the Free Trade Commission, and other relevant laws.

      Chapter 2 Members

      Article 4 (Subscription)

      • 1. Subscription to membership is possible by linking Kakao, Google or Apple account information through the service subscription connection screen of the Service to use Services offered by Company. However, subscription using Apple account information is available only for iOS.
      • 2. In the subscription process, an ‘one e-mail address account from Kakao, Google or Apple’ is collected as a mandatory item and ‘name (nickname), profile photo), gender, DOB’ as optional items, and members may edit the provided optional items during or after subscription.
      • 3. Company shall deem that the member agreed to the terms and conditions when beginning use of Service by clicking or tapping on the ‘Agree’ button on the subscription screen, and by approving the application upon completing the subscription process, the membership subscription agreement shall be concluded.
      • 4. The Service usage agreement shall be effective when Company’s approval reaches the member.

      Article 5 (Management of Member Information)

      • 1. Member may edit personal in the Service.
      • 2. In the event that there are concerns that the member’s nickname may result in leaks of personal information, that the member may be mistaken for another person, is anti-social or against good customs, violate the rights of a third person, or may be misleading as Company or Company administrator, use of such nickname may be restricted. Furthermore, even in other cases where it judged that reasonable judgment by Company is required, the respective nickname may not be allowed for use.
      • 3. In the event that the account, password, etc. of the account registered by member is the same as that registered by Company, the user shall be deemed to be a member without taking separate verification procedures.

      Article 6 (Restrictions for Use of Account)

      • 1. When a member unsubscribes, uploaded data will be deleted and in the even that member does not take personal preservation measures, etc. despite being notified by Company on preservation methods and deletion, Company shall not take any liability.
      • 2. Company must approve account usage immediately to subscriber as per Article 5. However, Company may suspend or refuse approval in the case of any of the following until such reason is addressed.
        • 1) When losing membership eligibility previously according to these terms and conditions.
        • 2) When using the name of another person
        • 3) When providing false information or not entering information requested by Company
        • 4) When approval is not possible due to reasons attributable to member
        • 5) When applying by violating relevant laws and other regulations
        • 6) Persons under the age of 14 who subscribed without consent from his or her legal representative
        • 7) When services cannot be provided due to non-possession of technologies and equipment
      • 3. In the event that it is found later that a member created an account in violation of the above, the membership will be suspended immediately, and a period of 30 days or longer shall be provided to notify member of such measure and to provide the opportunity to defend him or herself. If the reason for suspension is not resolved within the given term, Company shall retract membership eligibility and terminate membership registration.

      Article 7 (Notification)

      • 1. Member can visit the customer center in the Service at any time to voice his or her opinion to Company.
      • 2. In the event that Company notifies member, such notification can be sent to the e-mail addressed designated in advance by member to Company.
      • 3. When giving notification to a group of unspecified members, individual notification can be substituted by posting the notification on the Service announcement screen or as pop-ups in the Service for a minimum of one week. However, for matters having major impact related to the transaction with member, they shall be notified individually.

      Article 8 (Provision of information and posting of advertisements)

      • 1. The company may place advertisements using the information entered by members in connection with the service operation. Members agree to the posting of customized advertisements exposed when using the service.
      • 2. The Company may provide various information deemed necessary while using the service to the member through homepage, content screen, announcement, etc., and if the member's prior consent is obtained, it may be provided by email or other methods. Members can reject the reception at any time through e-mail to the company.
      • 3. The Company shall not be held liable for any losses or damages arising from the member's participation in, correspondence, or transactions in the promotional activities of advertisers posted on the service or through the service.
      • 4. Members can reject reception at any time through the management menu, except for transaction-related information and answers to customer inquiries in accordance with relevant laws.

      Chapter 3 Service Usage

      Article 9 (Provision and Use of Services)

      • 5. Company shall begin offering Service upon approving subscription application of member.
      • 6. By principle, use of Services shall be provided 24 hours a day, all-year-round. However, Service may be temporarily suspended for Company’s operational or technical reasons such as scheduled inspections, and Services may also be temporarily suspended for periods designated by Company for operational purposes. In this case, Company shall announce the temporary suspension and the suspension period of Services by principle, but if it is not possible to provide advance notification or for urgent or inevitable circumstances, it shall be notified later.
      • 7. Members can use Services without limitations on the number of mobile devices with a single account. However, when entering the service use agreement with an Apple account, Services are limited to mobile devices with an iOS operating system.
      • 8. Company may edit, change or stop all or parts of Services according to Company’s business plans and Service operation policies, and unless there are specific regulations stipulated by law, compensation will not be offered to members. In the event that it is judged to hold members at a disadvantage, however, it shall be notified in the Service or through the connection screen.
      • 9. In the event that member connects to the Company website via wired/wireless networks or uses Company Services in a device connected to a wired/wireless network, or when using Company services from abroad, there may be data usage costs according to the communication rates entered between the carrier that the member subscribed to and the member.

      Chapter 4 Duties of Contracting Parties

      Article 10 (Protection of Member Information)

      • 1. Company shall collect minimal information within the scope necessary to execute the agreement when collecting user information. In this case, details on the collected information may be checked in the Privacy Policy.
      • 2. Company shall strive to protect the personal information of members as prescribed by relevant laws such as the ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, ETC. and the PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION ACT. However, in links such as YouTube, etc. not produced and provided by Company, the Company’s personal information handling policies shall not be applied.
      • 3. When Company collects personal information that can identify individual users, the purpose shall be notified to the user and consent shall be obtained by a separate form, and user may at any time withdraw consent and terminate service usage agreement.

      Article 11 (Reversion, Management and Restriction of Use of Data)

      • 1. The rights and responsibilities of data posted by members in the Service shall be reserved by the member who uploaded the data. The company is prohibited to monitor and manage the data stored by the member on his/her mobile device and does not take responsible for this.
      • 2. The rights and responsibilities of data posted by members in the Service shall be reserved by the member who uploaded the data.
      • 3. The data uploaded by the member to the company's server through backup can be used to improve the service.
      • 4. The company is not responsible for and does not guarantee the reliability, truthfulness, and accuracy of members' posts.
      • 5. In the event that the data uploaded by member includes contents that violate relevant laws such as the ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, ETC. or the COPYRIGHT ACT, the authorized person may request deletion, etc. of the data according to the procedures prescribed by competent laws, and Company may take actions according to the law.
      • 6. Should the member terminate the subscription agreement, all data uploaded by the user may be deleted. However, in the event that it is stored by a third person or is reproduced without authorization, etc. and the data is not deleted, but reposted or uploaded in places other than Service, Company shall not be held liable.
      • 7. Company may retain member ID and member information according to the Company’s personal information handling policy’s preservation period and relevant laws even after the subscription agreement is terminated for members who violated these terms and conditions or relevant laws for the purpose of protecting other members, or to provide to courts, investigation institutes, or other requests as evidence upon request.

      Article 12 (Duties of Company)

      • 1. Company shall not engage in activities prohibited by law or these terms and conditions or that are in contrast to good customs, and shall do its utmost to provide services continuously and stably according to that prescribed by these terms and conditions.
      • 2. Company must have a security system to protect the personal information (including credit information) of users so that members may use the internet services safely.
      • 3. In the event that Company engages in unfair labeling and advertising stipulated in Article 3 of the ACT ON FAIR LABELING AND ADVERTISING for products or services, which result in damages to members, Company shall be held liable for compensation.
      • 4. Company shall not send profit-seeking advertisement e-mails to members who wish not to receive such e-mail.
      • 5. When the Company determines a complaint or objection raised by a member is justified, it will promptly process within a reasonable period. However, if the processing exceeds the standard period, the reason and processing schedule will be notified to the member on the company website, by e-mail, phone or in writing.

      Article 13 (Duties of Members)

      Members may not engage in the following activities.
      • 1) Registration of false information during subscription or changing membership information
      • 2) Stealing information of others
      • 3) Act of damaging the reputation or interfering with the operations of Company or other third persons
      • 4) Changing information posted by Company
      • 5) Transmission or posting of information other than that designated by Company (computer programs, etc.)
      • 6) Violation of intellectual properties such as copyrights of Company or other third persons
      • 7) Copying, editing, distributing, selling, transferring, loaning, providing as collateral, or allowing use to others the Service or its included software without the prior consent of Company
      • 8) Reverse-engineering software included in the Service, attempting to extract the source codes, or otherwise reproducing, dismantling, imitating, or changing Services.
      • 9) Transmitting or posting information that is prohibited from transmission or posting (including computer programs) by relevant laws
      • 10) Registering or posting computer virus infection data that can destroy or cause confusion to information, or malfunctions to equipment related to Service
      • 11) Posting pornographic or violent messages, visuals, voice, or other information that is in contradiction to good customs
      • 12) Posting or sending to Company e-mail data including computer codes, files and programs with software viruses, etc. designed to destroy or interfere with the normal activation of computer software, hardware, or electronic communication equipment
      • 13) Other illegal actions

      Article 14 (Duties on Management of Member ID and Password)

      • 1. Responsibility for managing ID and password, except in the case of Article 13, shall be borne by members.
      • 2. Members may not allow a third person to use his or her ID and password.
      • 3. In the event that a member becomes aware that his or her ID and password was stolen or that a third person is using it, that member must notify Company immediately and follow the instructions of Company.

      Chapter 5 Attribution and Management of Posts

      Article 15 (Attribution of intellectual property rights)

      • 1. The copyright of the member’s post in the service belongs to the author of the post.
      • 2. When a member uploads a post on the service, it is deemed that it will be allowed for other members to use the post in the service or the company to use as a search result.
      • 3. Posts uploaded by members in the service may be exposed to search results, service and related promotions, advertisements, etc., and may be partially modified, duplicated, edited and posted within the scope necessary for such exposure.
        In this case, the company complies with the copyright law regulations, and the member can request actions such as deletion, search results exclusion, or privacy for the post at any time through the customer center or email.
      • 4. If you wish to use the member's post in a way other than the mentioned clauses, you must obtain the member's consent in advance through phone, fax, or e-mail.
      • 5. Copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to all trademarks, service marks, logos,. design of the service, text created by the company, scripts, graphics, etc. are owned by the company or licensed by the company in accordance with relevant laws.

      Article 16 (Management of postings)

      • 1. A If a member's post contain contents that violate related laws such as 「Information and Communication Act」 and 「Copyright Act」, the right holder may request the suspension or deletion of the post and the company must take action in accordance with the relevant laws.
      • 2. If a post with the following contents is posted in the service, the company may temporarily block or delete access to the post even if there is no request from the right holder.
        • ① Infringement of privacy, defamation, profanity, or profanity
        • ② Impediment of public order and morals and demeaning of certain groups, or religions.
        • ③ Infringement of the rights of others with unconfirmed or unfounded content.
        • ④ Infringement of other's copyright.
        • ⑤ When personal information of others is included.
        • ⑥ When advertising/promotional content is included.
        • ⑦ Repeated postings with the same content.
        • ⑧ Interference with the company's smooth service provision such as malicious code.
        • ⑨ If it is determined that it may have an unhealthy effect on the smooth service use of other members.
      • 3. If a member terminates the membership contract, all works created by the member may be deleted. However, if the work is created through a joint work, the post may remain in the posts of the co-author. The Company shall not be held liable for the case that the work is reposted without being deleted by being kept by a third party or reproduced through unauthorized copying.
      • 4. To protect other members and use them as evidence at the request of courts, investigative agencies or related agencies, the company preserves in accordance with the company's personal information processing policy even after a member who violates this agreement and related laws terminates the membership contract. Member ID and member information can be preserved according to the period and related laws.
      • 5. For reasons such as service policy or integration between services operated by the company, posting location may change or revised and in this case, it will be notified in advance.

      Chapter 6 Termination of Usage Agreement, Etc.

      Article 17 (Termination of Usage Agreement)

      • 1. Members can request withdrawal of membership at any time and Company shall process the withdrawal immediately.
      • 2. When a member unsubscribes, uploaded data will be deleted and in the even that member does not take personal preservation measures, etc. despite being notified by Company on preservation methods and deletion, Company shall not take any liability.
      • 3. Even if the usage agreement is terminated, you may request to enter a usage agreement again with Company.

      Article 18 (Compensation for Damages)

      • 1. Company does not pledge or guarantee any details not explicated in these terms and conditions related to Service within the limit allowed by law. Furthermore, Company does not guarantee the credibility, accuracy, etc. of information, materials and facts posted on Service by CP (Contents Providers) or members, and Company shall not be liable for damages that you may incur if such is not the fault of Company.
      • 2. Members shall be liable for compensation of damages caused by Company or other users due to reasons attributable to the member.
      • 3. In the case of damage to the company due to illegal acts performed by a member while using the service or violating these terms and conditions, the company shall be indemnified at his own responsibility and expense, and if the company is not exempted, the member shall compensate for the damage.

      Article 19 (Company's Disclaimer)

      • 1. In the event that Company is unable to provide Services due to natural disasters or other forces majeure, Company shall be exempted from the responsibility to provide Service.
      • 2. In the event that members incur damages because a key telecommunications business operator suspends electric communication services or fails to provide it normally, Company shall be exempted from responsibility unless there is intention or gross negligence on part of Company.
      • 3. In the event that services are stropped or malfunctions occur due to unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, maintenance or construction of equipment used for services announced in advance, company shall be exempted from responsibility unless there was intention or gross negligence on part of company.
      • 4. Company shall be exempted from responsibility in the event that malfunctions for using the Service occurs due to reasons attributable to members.
      • 5. The company does not guarantee the reliability and accuracy of information, data, facts, etc. posted or transmitted by the member in the service, and is exempted from liability unless there is intentional or gross negligence of the company or its employees.
      • 6. Members are responsible for any damage to the computer system, loss of data or information caused by downloading or accessing specific programs or information using the company's services at their own discretion.
      • 7. The company is not obligated to intervene in disputes between members or between members and third parties through the service. In the event of damage caused by this, the liability is exempted unless there is intentional or gross negligence of the company.
      • 8. The company is exempted from liability for damages arising from the member's failure to obtain the expected profits from using the service or the choice of using the service.
      • 9. Parts of the Service may be provided by other businesses, and Company shall be exempted from damages that occur due to services provided by other businesses unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of Company.
      • 10. The Company shall be exempted from liability for damages caused by mobile device errors, or for damages caused by incorrect input of personal information and e-mail address, unless there is intentional or gross negligence of the company.

      Article 20 (Dispute resolution)

      • 1. The court of jurisdiction for lawsuits on e-commerce disputes between Company and members regarding use of Service shall be the court of jurisdiction according to the CIVIL PROCEDURE ACT.
      • 2. Company shall handle complaints and suggestions submitted by members with priority. However, if prompt handling is impossible, the user shall be notified immediately of the reason and handling schedule.
      • 3. In the event that lawsuits or filed for disputes that occur regarding the user of Service, the laws of the Republic of Korea shall be applied.

      [Supplementary Provision]

      (Enforcement Date)
      These terms and conditions shall be effective as of Jan. 15th, 2021.
    • Chapter 1 Application of Terms and Conditions

      Article 1 (Purpose)

      The purpose of these terms and conditions is to prescribe the rights and responsibilities of the service and user (referring to non-members who did not agree to the terms and conditions) and members (referring to persons who agreed to the terms and conditions and entered a usage agreement with the company who can use the services provided by the company) for using the SALTED Golf Service (hereinafter called Service) offered by SALTED Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called Company).

      Article 2 (Definition of Terms)

      The definition of the terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows and shall be in accordance with that stipulated by relevant laws and service information.
      • 1) Service: Refers to providing links to go to YouTube golf lesson contents page, offers video contents for swing by club of professional golfers, as well as recording golf swings and mobile (Android, iOS, iPadOS) application services for viewing, recording and saving Insole data in real-time according to actions by linking with the SALTED Smart Insole.
      • 2) Account: Refers to membership identification unit for managing the Service usage history of each member.
      • 3) Refers to the login account policy designated by Company to manage member authentication, change of member information, subscription and cancellation, etc. using a single ID and password for the Service provided by Company. At this time, IDs shall be limited to up to three e-mail addresses such as Kakao, Google or Apple accounts that the user has already signed up to.
      • 4) Mobile device: Refers to electronic devices such as the user’s mobile phone, tablet PC, etc. for using Service.
      • 5) SALTED Smart Insole: Refers to the IoT-based Smart Insole device provided by Service that links to the mobile device via Bluetooth.
      • 6) Insole data: Refers to data on the pressure applied to SALTED Smart Insole when a member inserts the SALTED Smart Insole in the shoes and stands on the ground.
      • 7) Data: Refers to videos produced or backed up by members or drill practice record files. Videos may include Insole data.
      • 8) Backup: Refers to the act of synchronizing data saved by a member in the mobile device to the server.
      • 9) Membership withdrawal: Refers to the act terminating usage agreement with Company by member

      Article 3 (Expression, Explanation and Revision of Terms and Conditions)

      • 1. Company shall post the contents of the terms and conditions, company name, CEO name, business address (including address of center for processing consumer complaints), telephone no., E-mail address, business registration no., online marketing business declaration no., personal information management supervisor, etc. through its company website or connection screen of the Service in a manner that it is easy for members to peruse.
      • 3. If the company revises the terms and conditions, the date of application and the reason for amendment shall be specified on the initial screen of the company's website along with the current terms and conditions at least 7 days prior to the effective date.
        However, if the contents of the terms and conditions are revised against the user, it shall be posted in the Service or connection service that can reasonably help members become aware of such revisions at least 30 days in advance. Company shall clearly compare the contents before and after revision for easy recognition by members.
      • 4. Notwithstanding the Company clearly notifying or announcing its intent to members that ‘if the will to deny from the date of notification until the enforcement date of the revised terms and conditions, it shall be deemed to be agreed to,’ if the member does not indicate his or her intent to deny, it shall be deemed that the member agrees to the changed terms and conditions. Should the member not agree to the revised terms and conditions, he or she may withdraw membership according to the regulations of these terms and conditions.
      • 5. By principle, the terms and conditions shall be applied from the date of agreeing to these terms and conditions until withdrawing membership. However, some provisions of these terms and conditions may be effective even upon withdraw membership.
      • 6. For matters not prescribed in these terms and conditions or on its interpretation, it shall be in accordance to the ACT ON THE CONSUMER PROTECTION IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, ETC., FRAMEWORK ACT ON ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AND TRANSACTIONS, GUIDELINES FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, ETC. as prescribed by the Free Trade Commission, and other relevant laws.

      Chapter 2 Members

      Article 4 (Subscription)

      • 1. Subscription to membership is possible by linking Kakao, Google or Apple account information through the service subscription connection screen of the Service to use Services offered by Company. However, subscription using Apple account information is available only for iOS and iPadOS.
      • 2. In the subscription process, an ‘one e-mail address account from Kakao, Google or Apple’ is collected as a mandatory item and ‘name (nickname), profile photo), gender, DOB’ as optional items, and members may edit the provided optional items during or after subscription.
      • 3. Company shall deem that the member agreed to the terms and conditions when beginning use of Service by clicking or tapping on the ‘Agree’ button on the subscription screen, and by approving the application upon completing the subscription process, the membership subscription agreement shall be concluded.
      • 4. The Service usage agreement shall be effective when Company’s approval reaches the member.

      Article 5 (Management of Member Information)

      • 1. Member may edit personal in the Service.
      • 2. In the event that there are concerns that the member’s nickname may result in leaks of personal information, that the member may be mistaken for another person, is anti-social or against good customs, violate the rights of a third person, or may be misleading as Company or Company administrator, use of such nickname may be restricted. Furthermore, even in other cases where it judged that reasonable judgment by Company is required, the respective nickname may not be allowed for use.
      • 3. In the event that the account, password, etc. of the account registered by member is the same as that registered by Company, the user shall be deemed to be a member without taking separate verification procedures.

      Article 6 (Restrictions for Use of Account)

      • 1. When a member unsubscribes, uploaded data will be deleted and in the even that member does not take personal preservation measures, etc. despite being notified by Company on preservation methods and deletion, Company shall not take any liability.
      • 2. Company must approve account usage immediately to subscriber as per Article 5. However, Company may suspend or refuse approval in the case of any of the following until such reason is addressed.
        • 1) When losing membership eligibility previously according to these terms and conditions.
        • 2) When using the name of another person
        • 3) When providing false information or not entering information requested by Company
        • 4) When approval is not possible due to reasons attributable to member
        • 5) When applying by violating relevant laws and other regulations
        • 6) Persons under the age of 14 who subscribed without consent from his or her legal representative
        • 7) When services cannot be provided due to non-possession of technologies and equipment
      • 3. In the event that it is found later that a member created an account in violation of the above, the membership will be suspended immediately, and a period of 30 days or longer shall be provided to notify member of such measure and to provide the opportunity to defend him or herself. If the reason for suspension is not resolved within the given term, Company shall retract membership eligibility and terminate membership registration.

      Article 7 (Notification)

      • 1. Member can visit the customer center in the Service at any time to voice his or her opinion to Company.
      • 2. In the event that Company notifies member, such notification can be sent to the e-mail addressed designated in advance by member to Company.
      • 3. When giving notification to a group of unspecified members, individual notification can be substituted by posting the notification on the Service announcement screen or as pop-ups in the Service for a minimum of one week. However, for matters having major impact related to the transaction with member, they shall be notified individually.

      Article 8 (Provision of information and posting of advertisements)

      • 1. The company may place advertisements using the information entered by members in connection with the service operation. Members agree to the posting of customized advertisements exposed when using the service.
      • 2. The Company may provide various information deemed necessary while using the service to the member through homepage, content screen, announcement, etc., and if the member's prior consent is obtained, it may be provided by email or other methods. Members can reject the reception at any time through e-mail to the company.
      • 3. The Company shall not be held liable for any losses or damages arising from the member's participation in, correspondence, or transactions in the promotional activities of advertisers posted on the service or through the service.
      • 4. Members can reject reception at any time through the management menu, except for transaction-related information and answers to customer inquiries in accordance with relevant laws.

      Chapter 3 Service Usage

      Article 9 (Provision and Use of Services)

      • 1. Company shall begin offering Service upon approving subscription application of member.
      • 2. By principle, use of Services shall be provided 24 hours a day, all-year-round. However, Service may be temporarily suspended for Company’s operational or technical reasons such as scheduled inspections, and Services may also be temporarily suspended for periods designated by Company for operational purposes. In this case, Company shall announce the temporary suspension and the suspension period of Services by principle, but if it is not possible to provide advance notification or for urgent or inevitable circumstances, it shall be notified later.
      • 3. Members can use Services without limitations on the number of mobile devices with a single account. However, when entering the service use agreement with an Apple account, Services are limited to mobile devices with an iOS or iPadOS operating system.
      • 4. Company may edit, change or stop all or parts of Services according to Company’s business plans and Service operation policies, and unless there are specific regulations stipulated by law, compensation will not be offered to members. In the event that it is judged to hold members at a disadvantage, however, it shall be notified in the Service or through the connection screen.
      • 5. In the event that member connects to the Company website via wired/wireless networks or uses Company Services in a device connected to a wired/wireless network, or when using Company services from abroad, there may be data usage costs according to the communication rates entered between the carrier that the member subscribed to and the member.

      Chapter 4 Duties of Contracting Parties

      Article 10 (Protection of Member Information)

      • 1. Company shall collect minimal information within the scope necessary to execute the agreement when collecting user information. In this case, details on the collected information may be checked in the Privacy Policy.
      • 2. Company shall strive to protect the personal information of members as prescribed by relevant laws such as the ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, ETC. and the PERSONAL INFORMATION PROTECTION ACT. However, in links such as YouTube, etc. not produced and provided by Company, the Company’s personal information handling policies shall not be applied.
      • 3. When Company collects personal information that can identify individual users, the purpose shall be notified to the user and consent shall be obtained by a separate form, and user may at any time withdraw consent and terminate service usage agreement.

      Article 11 (Reversion, Management and Restriction of Use of Data)

      • 1. The rights and responsibilities of data posted by members in the Service shall be reserved by the member who uploaded the data. The company is prohibited to monitor and manage the data stored by the member on his/her mobile device and does not take responsible for this.
      • 2. The rights and responsibilities of data posted by members in the Service shall be reserved by the member who uploaded the data.
      • 3. The data uploaded by the member to the company's server through backup can be used to improve the service.
      • 4. The company is not responsible for and does not guarantee the reliability, truthfulness, and accuracy of members' posts.
      • 5. In the event that the data uploaded by member includes contents that violate relevant laws such as the ACT ON PROMOTION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK UTILIZATION AND INFORMATION PROTECTION, ETC. or the COPYRIGHT ACT, the authorized person may request deletion, etc. of the data according to the procedures prescribed by competent laws, and Company may take actions according to the law.
      • 6. Should the member terminate the subscription agreement, all data uploaded by the user may be deleted. However, in the event that it is stored by a third person or is reproduced without authorization, etc. and the data is not deleted, but reposted or uploaded in places other than Service, Company shall not be held liable.
      • 7. Company may retain member ID and member information according to the Company’s personal information handling policy’s preservation period and relevant laws even after the subscription agreement is terminated for members who violated these terms and conditions or relevant laws for the purpose of protecting other members, or to provide to courts, investigation institutes, or other requests as evidence upon request.

      Article 12 (Duties of Company)

      • 1. Company shall not engage in activities prohibited by law or these terms and conditions or that are in contrast to good customs, and shall do its utmost to provide services continuously and stably according to that prescribed by these terms and conditions.
      • 2. Company must have a security system to protect the personal information (including credit information) of users so that members may use the internet services safely.
      • 3. In the event that Company engages in unfair labeling and advertising stipulated in Article 3 of the ACT ON FAIR LABELING AND ADVERTISING for products or services, which result in damages to members, Company shall be held liable for compensation.
      • 4. Company shall not send profit-seeking advertisement e-mails to members who wish not to receive such e-mail.
      • 5. When the Company determines a complaint or objection raised by a member is justified, it will promptly process within a reasonable period. However, if the processing exceeds the standard period, the reason and processing schedule will be notified to the member on the company website, by e-mail, phone or in writing.

      Article 13 (Duties of Members)

      Members may not engage in the following activities.
      • 1) Registration of false information during subscription or changing membership information
      • 2) Stealing information of others
      • 3) Act of damaging the reputation or interfering with the operations of Company or other third persons
      • 4) Changing information posted by Company
      • 5) Transmission or posting of information other than that designated by Company (computer programs, etc.)
      • 6) Violation of intellectual properties such as copyrights of Company or other third persons
      • 7) Copying, editing, distributing, selling, transferring, loaning, providing as collateral, or allowing use to others the Service or its included software without the prior consent of Company
      • 8) Reverse-engineering software included in the Service, attempting to extract the source codes, or otherwise reproducing, dismantling, imitating, or changing Services.
      • 9) Transmitting or posting information that is prohibited from transmission or posting (including computer programs) by relevant laws
      • 10) Registering or posting computer virus infection data that can destroy or cause confusion to information, or malfunctions to equipment related to Service
      • 11) Posting pornographic or violent messages, visuals, voice, or other information that is in contradiction to good customs
      • 12) Posting or sending to Company e-mail data including computer codes, files and programs with software viruses, etc. designed to destroy or interfere with the normal activation of computer software, hardware, or electronic communication equipment
      • 13) Other illegal actions

      Article 14 (Duties on Management of Member ID and Password)

      • 1. Responsibility for managing ID and password, except in the case of Article 13, shall be borne by members.
      • 2. Members may not allow a third person to use his or her ID and password.
      • 3. In the event that a member becomes aware that his or her ID and password was stolen or that a third person is using it, that member must notify Company immediately and follow the instructions of Company.

      Chapter 5 Attribution and Management of Posts

      Article 15 (Attribution of intellectual property rights)

      • 1. The copyright of the member’s post in the service belongs to the author of the post.
      • 2. When a member uploads a post on the service, it is deemed that it will be allowed for other members to use the post in the service or the company to use as a search result.
      • 3. Posts uploaded by members in the service may be exposed to search results, service and related promotions, advertisements, etc., and may be partially modified, duplicated, edited and posted within the scope necessary for such exposure.
        In this case, the company complies with the copyright law regulations, and the member can request actions such as deletion, search results exclusion, or privacy for the post at any time through the customer center or email.
      • 4. If you wish to use the member's post in a way other than the mentioned clauses, you must obtain the member's consent in advance through phone, fax, or e-mail.
      • 5. Copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to all trademarks, service marks, logos,. design of the service, text created by the company, scripts, graphics, etc. are owned by the company or licensed by the company in accordance with relevant laws.

      Article 16 (Management of postings)

      • 1. A If a member's post contain contents that violate related laws such as 「Information and Communication Act」 and 「Copyright Act」, the right holder may request the suspension or deletion of the post and the company must take action in accordance with the relevant laws.
      • 2. If a post with the following contents is posted in the service, the company may temporarily block or delete access to the post even if there is no request from the right holder.
        • ① Infringement of privacy, defamation, profanity, or profanity
        • ② Impediment of public order and morals and demeaning of certain groups, or religions.
        • ③ Infringement of the rights of others with unconfirmed or unfounded content.
        • ④ Infringement of other's copyright.
        • ⑤ When personal information of others is included.
        • ⑥ When advertising/promotional content is included.
        • ⑦ Repeated postings with the same content.
        • ⑧ Interference with the company's smooth service provision such as malicious code.
        • ⑨ If it is determined that it may have an unhealthy effect on the smooth service use of other members.
      • 3. If a member terminates the membership contract, all works created by the member may be deleted. However, if the work is created through a joint work, the post may remain in the posts of the co-author. The Company shall not be held liable for the case that the work is reposted without being deleted by being kept by a third party or reproduced through unauthorized copying.
      • 4. To protect other members and use them as evidence at the request of courts, investigative agencies or related agencies, the company preserves in accordance with the company's personal information processing policy even after a member who violates this agreement and related laws terminates the membership contract. Member ID and member information can be preserved according to the period and related laws.
      • 5. For reasons such as service policy or integration between services operated by the company, posting location may change or revised and in this case, it will be notified in advance.

      Chapter 6 Termination of Usage Agreement, Etc.

      Article 17 (Termination of Usage Agreement)

      • 1. Members can request withdrawal of membership at any time and Company shall process the withdrawal immediately.
      • 2. When a member unsubscribes, uploaded data will be deleted and in the even that member does not take personal preservation measures, etc. despite being notified by Company on preservation methods and deletion, Company shall not take any liability.
      • 3. Even if the usage agreement is terminated, you may request to enter a usage agreement again with Company.

      Article 18 (Compensation for Damages)

      • 1. Company does not pledge or guarantee any details not explicated in these terms and conditions related to Service within the limit allowed by law. Furthermore, Company does not guarantee the credibility, accuracy, etc. of information, materials and facts posted on Service by CP (Contents Providers) or members, and Company shall not be liable for damages that you may incur if such is not the fault of Company.
      • 2. Members shall be liable for compensation of damages caused by Company or other users due to reasons attributable to the member.
      • 3. In the case of damage to the company due to illegal acts performed by a member while using the service or violating these terms and conditions, the company shall be indemnified at his own responsibility and expense, and if the company is not exempted, the member shall compensate for the damage.

      Article 19 (Company's Disclaimer)

      • 1. In the event that Company is unable to provide Services due to natural disasters or other forces majeure, Company shall be exempted from the responsibility to provide Service.
      • 2. In the event that members incur damages because a key telecommunications business operator suspends electric communication services or fails to provide it normally, Company shall be exempted from responsibility unless there is intention or gross negligence on part of Company.
      • 3. In the event that services are stropped or malfunctions occur due to unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, maintenance or construction of equipment used for services announced in advance, company shall be exempted from responsibility unless there was intention or gross negligence on part of company.
      • 4. Company shall be exempted from responsibility in the event that malfunctions for using the Service occurs due to reasons attributable to members.
      • 5. The company does not guarantee the reliability and accuracy of information, data, facts, etc. posted or transmitted by the member in the service, and is exempted from liability unless there is intentional or gross negligence of the company or its employees.
      • 6. Members are responsible for any damage to the computer system, loss of data or information caused by downloading or accessing specific programs or information using the company's services at their own discretion.
      • 7. The company is not obligated to intervene in disputes between members or between members and third parties through the service. In the event of damage caused by this, the liability is exempted unless there is intentional or gross negligence of the company.
      • 8. The company is exempted from liability for damages arising from the member's failure to obtain the expected profits from using the service or the choice of using the service.
      • 9. Parts of the Service may be provided by other businesses, and Company shall be exempted from damages that occur due to services provided by other businesses unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of Company.
      • 10. The Company shall be exempted from liability for damages caused by mobile device errors, or for damages caused by incorrect input of personal information and e-mail address, unless there is intentional or gross negligence of the company.

      Article 20 (Dispute resolution)

      • 1. The court of jurisdiction for lawsuits on e-commerce disputes between Company and members regarding use of Service shall be the court of jurisdiction according to the CIVIL PROCEDURE ACT.
      • 2. Company shall handle complaints and suggestions submitted by members with priority. However, if prompt handling is impossible, the user shall be notified immediately of the reason and handling schedule.
      • 3. In the event that lawsuits or filed for disputes that occur regarding the user of Service, the laws of the Republic of Korea shall be applied.

      [Supplementary Provision]

      (Enforcement Date)
      These terms and conditions shall be effective as of Feb. 18th, 2021.
    • Chapter 1 Application of Terms and Conditions

      ARTICLE 1. Purpose

      Thank you for using Services provided by SALTED Corp. (the "Company"). The Company has prepared the SALTED Inc. Comprehensive Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these terms") that can be comprehensively applied into the SALTED Services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as 'Services') for Users (referring to non-members who do not agree to these terms and conditions) or members (referring to those who agree with the terms and conditions to enter into a contract with the Company and use the Services provided by the Company). The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to outline general provisions including the rights, duties and responsibilities, terms of use and procedures necessary in your use of Services.

      • ' SALTED Service' refers to the Services that uses the “SALTED” brand provided by the Company (e.g., SALTED Golf).

      ARTICLE 2. Contents, Effect and Changes of the Terms and Conditions

      • 1. The contents of these terms and conditions are posted in individual Services provided by the Company or on the front page of Services or are notified in other methods. The Terms and Conditions shall have effect on both Users and members who have agreed to them (hereinafter referred to as “Users”).
      • 2. The Company may change these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations. In case that terms and conditions are changed, the Company shall notify the User of the change in the notice on the website from 7 days prior to the effective date. If the changes inevitably affect Users adversely, the Company shall notify or inform reasonably, such as posting on the website with a grace period of 30 days in advance or sending an e-mail to the e-mail address registered by the User, or a text message to the mobile phone number.
      • 3. Users are deemed to agree to the revised Terms and Conditions unless there is no indication of the User's intention after the Company clearly notifies or informs in accordance with the preceding paragraph that Users are deemed to be agreeing to any changes made if they do not give refusal from the date of notification to the date of enforcement of the revised terms and conditions. If the User does not agree to the revised terms and conditions, the User may terminate the use of that Service in accordance with Paragraph 1, Article 13.

      ARTICLE 3. Additional Terms and Conditions

      Any matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the relevant laws or the individual terms and conditions of Service, operation policies and rules set by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Detailed Guidelines’). In addition, if there is a conflict between these Terms and Conditions and the Detailed Guidelines, the Detailed Guidelines shall be followed.

      Chapter 2 members

      ARTICLE 4. Membership Registration

      • 1. SALTED account refers to a login account that a User needs to use the SALTED Service. A SATLED account is created as a procedure in which the User agrees to the terms and conditions and enters the necessary specific information to create a SALTED account, and the Company verifies the entered specific information and then approves the joining.
      • 2. Social login ID refers to another Service (Naver, SALTED, Apple, Facebook, Google) account that the User has previously signed up to identify himself in the SALTED Service, it is created as a procedure in which a User agrees to the individual terms of Service or these terms and conditions, enters the necessary information required for membership registration, applies for use, and the Company approves.
      • 3. Users do not necessarily need a SALTED Account to use SALTED Services, but you may need a social login account for certain SALTED Services. Users may only use individual Services with a social login ID that has agreed to the individual Service terms.

      ARTICLE 5. Rejecting or Withholding Approval of Creating SALTED Account or Social Login ID

      • 1. The Company may not approve the User’s creation of SALTED Account and/or Social login ID in the following cases. In particular, if the User is under the age of 14, the User can create a SALTED account ID only if the User have consent from a legal representative such as parents.
        • • In case that the Company has deleted the User's SALTED account or social login ID in accordance with these terms and conditions.
        • • In case of an illegal use of other's name.
        • • In case that a User do not enter required information or enter false information in the process of signing up for membership.
        • • In case of violation of any applicable law or regulation, or additional terms and conditions or standards set by the Company, such as Detailed Guidelines.
      • 2. If it is found that the User has created a SALTED account and/or social login ID in violation of the above conditions, the Company may make appropriate restrictions, such as immediately stop providing Services to the User or deleting the SALTED account and social login ID.
      • 3. The Company may withhold creating the User's SALTED account and/or social login ID in the following cases.
        • • In case that there is no practical space in the installed capacity to provide Services
        • • In case if it is judged that there is a technical issue to provide the Service.
        • • Other cases where the Company deems it financially and technically necessary.

      Article 6. Management of SALTED Accounts or Social Login IDs, etc.

      • 1. The SALTED account and social login ID can only be used by the User, and it cannot be allowed to use the User’s SALTED account and social login ID by others. Users should manage their password by themselves so that others may not have unauthorized access to Users’ SALTED account and social login ID. The Company may require the User to enter a password to prevent unauthorized use of your SALTED account and/or social login ID by others. If unauthorized access is found, please notify us through the Customer Center, then the Company shall provide instructions to prevent unauthorized access to the User.
      • 2. Users can view and change User information through the Settings menu in Services. However, some information such as SALTED account, social login ID, phone number, unique device identifiers and other User identification information necessary for the provision and management of the Service may not be able to be modified. And in case any modification is made, an additional User identification process may be required. If there is a change in the content provided by the User when applying for Service usage, it is possible to modify the information directly on the Service or contact us via email or Customer Center.
      • 3. The Company is not responsible for any losses caused by Users not updating the information in the Service.

      CHAPTER 3. Use of Service

      ARTICLE 7. Providing and Changing Various Services, etc.

      • 1. The Company provides various Services that Users can enjoy on the Internet and mobile, such as a social networking Service, bulletin board, online content Service, and location-based Services. Users may download and install the Service from an application store on a mobile device (e.g., smartphone, tablet PC, etc.), install it directly on a PC, or visit the website to use the Service.
      • 2. The Company provides Users with a personal, worldwide, non-assignable, non-exclusive and royalty-free license of the software necessary for the User to fully use the Service. However, this does not grant Users the right to use our trademark and logo.
      • 3. The Company may provide an updated version of the software needed to use Services for better Service. Updating software includes addition of important features or removing unnecessary features.
      • 4. For better Service, the Company may display various information, including various notices, administrative messages, and advertisements and other information related to the use of the Service to the User on the Service or send it directly to the User's e-mail account.
      • 5. If you encounter problems such as system errors while using Services, please contact the SALTED Customer Center at any time.
      • 6. Please note that in the process of using the Service, if the User does not use the Wi-Fi wireless Internet but connects to the wireless Internet of the mobile operator which the User have joined, an additional data fee may be charged to the User from the mobile operator. Data charges incurred in the process of using the Service must be paid by the User to the mobile operator at the User's expense and responsibility. Please contact your mobile operator for further inquiries regarding data plans.

      ARTICLE 8. How to Use Services and precautions

      • 1. Users can freely use our Services, but they cannot use the Service in the following ways.
        • • Users are not allowed to impede the Service provision incorrectly or access the Service using a method other than the method guided by the Company.
        • • Users shall be prohibited from unauthorized collecting, using, or providing information of other Service Users to others; transmitting commercial information or using the Service for commercial purposes against the recipient's explicit intention to refuse or without the recipient's explicit consent; sending or posting information that violates public order and morals and laws, such as obscene information, copyright infringement, information posting false facts about the Company or a third party, etc.
        • • Do not copy, modify, distribute, sell, transfer, lend, or provide collateral or allow any third party to use the Service or part of the software included therein without the consent of the Company. Also, copying, disassembling, imitating, or other modification of the Service, such as reverse engineering software or attempting to extract source code are prohibited.
      • 2. The User cannot transfer or donate the right to use the Service or other status under the contract to another person and cannot provide it as collateral.
      • 3. If the User does not comply with the relevant laws and all terms and conditions or policies of the Company, the Company may investigate violation acts, and the postings may be deleted or temporarily deleted, the User's use of the Service may be temporarily or permanently suspended, or re-joining may be restricted.
      • 4. The Company may destroy or store separately information of the User after notification by other valid means, such as sending an e-mail or text message to the e-mail address registered by the User, or to the mobile phone number, if there is no record of logging in or accessing the Service by the User for the period stipulated by the law. This may result in the termination of the contract to use our Service if there is not enough essential information for using the Service.

      Article 9. Management of Postings

      • 1. If the User's postings contain any violation of the relevant Act, such as the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection (hereinafter "the Act on Information and Communications Network") and the Copyright Act, the legitimate holder of the right may request the Company to suspend and delete the postings in accordance with the procedure set by the relevant law, and the Company shall take action in accordance with the relevant law.
      • 2. Even without any request from the legitimate holder of the right, the Company may take temporary measures for the postings in accordance with the relevant laws if there exists anything that may be deemed to constitute infringement of the right or if it violates the Company’s policies and related laws.
      • 3. The detailed procedures related to the above follow the ‘Reporting Infringement of Rights’ procedure specified by the Company within the extent set forth by the Act on Information and Communications Network and the Copyright Act.

      ARTICLE 10. Proprietary Rights and Use of Copyrighted Materials

      • 1. Users can post content (hereinafter referred to as “posts”) such as photos, articles, information, (videos), SALTED Services, opinions or suggestions for individual Services or the Company, and intellectual property rights including copyrights for these posts belongs to the right holder.
      • 2. When a User uploads a post on the SALTED Service or an individual Service, the User is deemed to grant the Company a worldwide and permanent license that allows it to be exposed to both SALTED Service and individual Service and used in such a way as to use, store, modify, replicate, distribute, etc. to the extent necessary. The License continues to survive even if the User stop using the Service or withdraw from the SALTED account and/or social login ID. Some Services may provide methods to access or delete content provided by Users (however, depending on the Service or content properties, it may be unable to delete posts).
      • 3. Users must have the necessary rights to grant us the license for the content provided to the Company. The person who uploads the posts is responsible for any issues arising out of not having these rights. In addition, Users may not disclose or post content that is obscene, violent, or violates other public order and morals.
      • 4. The Company may remove or refuse to post the content of the User if it is deemed to be in violation of the law, to be harmful to the minors, to encourage discrimination or conflicts, bombarding, advertisement, marketing and spam messages, intends to transfer or sell accounts, to post impersonating others. However, the Company is not obligated to monitor all content. If you believe someone has violated your rights, you can get help with the request to suspend the posting through the Customer Center.
      • 5. Our Services may display some content that the Company does not own. For such content, the entity providing the content is solely responsible for all responsibility. Using our Services does not give the User any rights on the content of other Users. Users must obtain permission from the content owner separately to use other Users' content.

      ARTICLE 11. Using Paid Services

      • 1. Our Company provides Services free of charge, but some Services can be charged.
      • 2. In principle, if a User uses the paid Service provided by the Company, the User may use them after paying the usage fee unless there is a separate mutual contract. The payment method of the usage fee for the paid Service provided by the Company includes online non-bankbook deposit, virtual account deposit, real-time account transfer prepaid card, debit card, credit card payment issued in Korea and abroad, the payment mileage through the electronic payment methods such as PayPal, etc., and there may be differences in payment method for each paid Service. For Services where the monthly payment is made, payments shall be automatically charged for Services billed every month unless the User stops using the Service and requests cancellation of the periodic payment.
      • 3. The Company may request the additional personal information of the User, which is necessary to proceed with the payment, the User should provide the accurate personal information required by the Company.
      • 4. If a User wants to get a refund of the usage fee due to reasons attributable to himself/herself, the general method is as follows.
        • • If the paid Service provided by the Company is a Service that lasts for less than one month (payment basis) after payment, the remaining amount shall be refunded after deducting the amount that corresponds to the number of days use from the date of termination. These provisions of this section also apply to Services on a monthly plan.
        • • If the paid Service provided by the Company is a Service that lasts for more than one month (payment basis) after payment, refunds shall be made after deducting the amount equivalent to the number of days of use from the date of termination and 10% of the total remaining days. However, if termination is requested within 7 days from the start date of using the paid Service, refunds shall be made after deducting only the amount equivalent to the number of days used.
      • 5. In spite of the above provisions, the full amount paid by the individual User shall be refunded in the following cases.
        • • In case that there is no history of using the Service after the User made payment.
        • • Service errors or failure to use the Service due to reasons attributable to the Company despite meeting the minimum technical specifications suggested by the Company.
        • • The Service purchased by the User has not provided.
        • • In case that the Service provided is different from the display or advertisement, or there is a significant difference.
        • • If the use of the Service is apparently impossible due to defect of Services provided.
      • 6. Users can make complaints about usage fee. However, the Users should send complaints within one month from the date they recognize the occurring of causes and within three months from the date the causes have occurred.
      • 7. In the case of an overcharge or a full refund, the Company must refund in the same way as the payment made for the usage fee. If the refund is impossible in the same way or in the case of partial refund due to midterm termination of the Service, the refund shall be made in a way determined by the Company. However, if the refund requires the User's cooperation, the delayed interest shall not be paid for the delay in refund due to reasons attributable to the User. The cost of refunding is borne by the User If the refund is attributable to the User, and If the refund is attributable to the Company, the cost of refunding is borne by the Company.
      • 8. If there is a conflict between the provisions of the paid Service in these Terms and Conditions and the contents of the individual paid Service terms and conditions, they are subject to the individual terms and conditions.

      ARTICLE 12. Using, Modifying and Terminating Services

      • 1. In principle, the Company provides Services 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the provision of Services may be temporarily suspended due to regular or temporary inspection for maintenance and repair of equipment, or other considerable reasons. If Services are unexpectedly suspended, the Company shall restore the Service as soon as possible as it figures out the causes.
      • 2. The Service may be changed, or may be terminated due to termination and change of contract with the contracted CP (content provider) to provide the Company's Service, or the commencement of a new Service. The Company shall post notice for changes or termination of Services on the screen of individual Services or in the Notices page. Any changes or termination of the Service that have a significant influence on Users shall be notified individually by e-mail (other electronic means such as a notification within the Service if Users do not have an email) or by sending a text message to a phone number.

      ARTICLE 13. Terminating the Use of Service

      • 1. If a User does not want to continue using our Service, the User can request for termination of the contract of use at any time by using the menu provided in Services, the Company shall take actions promptly in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
      • 2. Upon the termination of the contract of use, the Company deletes all data such as User information or posts created by the User, except when the User's information is retained in accordance with the relevant laws and the Privacy Policy. However, in the case that a third party post the User’s post using a scrap or other sharing function, or if the User added a comment to a third party's post, the post and comment shall not be deleted, so please delete it before deactivating your account.
      • 3. In addition, Users can selectively terminate a part of the various Services, in this case the data in relation to the terminated Services only shall be deleted. SALTED accounts and social login IDs for other Services shall remain.
      • 4. The termination of the paid Service contract shall be concluded by the User's request for termination of the Service and the Company's consent, and if there is a refund amount, the refund shall be made. However, if each individual paid Service stipulates a contract termination method and effect that is different from these terms and conditions, it is subject to the provisions of each individual terms and conditions.
      • 5. Even if the contract of use has been terminated, the User can apply for the contact of use with the Company again. However, for some Services, time restrictions may apply when signing a contract for use. To learn more about this, please see the Detailed Guidelines.

      ARTICLE 14. Protecting Personal Information

      The User's personal information is used only for the purpose and scope agreed by the User to provide better Services. The Company shall never provide the User's personal information to a third party unless the User agrees, or otherwise it is permitted by law. To learn more about the efforts the Company make to safely process Users' personal information, please see the Privacy Policy.

      ARTICLE 15. Offering Location-based Services

      • 1. The Company may include location-based Services (“LBS”) in its range of Services to provide useful Services that are more beneficial to the User's real life.
      • 2. The Company's location-based Service is a free that receives location information from a location information provider, which collects location information of the User's terminal device, and provides. Specifically, as follows.
        • • A Service that allows Users to share their current or certain location with other Users or upload relevant posts (Location Sharing Service).
      • 3. If a User is under 14 years old and want to use LBS based on the personal location information, the Company shall use or provide the User's personal location information, and in this case, consent from a legal representative such as parents is required. If it is found that the LBS has been used without consent of a legal representative, the Company may impose necessary restrictions such as an immediate suspension for the use of the LBS by the User.
      • 4. Users (including legal representatives of Users under the age of 14) can withhold consent to the use of personal location information related to the Service, the purpose of the provision, and the scope of those who receive it and part of the LBS, or can revoke all or part of consent on use and provision, or can request temporary suspension. The Company shall keep personal location information and data confirming the use and provision of personal location information for at least 6 months for six months or longer in accordance with Act on the Protection, Use, etc. of Location Information. If the User revoke all or part of consent, the Company shall destroy the personal location information and data confirming the use and provision of location information without delay.
      • 5. Users (including legal representatives of Users under the age of 14) can request access to or notification of the reasons and details when the data confirming the use and provision of location information of Users or the personal location information of Users is provided to a third party in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, and if there is an error, the User can request correction. If the Company provides the personal location information of the User directly to a third party designated by the User, the User shall be immediately notified of the person who receives the personal location information, the date and time of the provision, and the purpose of the provision through the mobile device, etc. that has collected personal location information in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.
      • 6. If the custodian of children under the age of 8 (including incompetent persons and persons with severe mental disorders) provides written consent for the use or provision of the personal location information, the Company shall be deemed to have the consent of the person concerned, and in such cases, the custodian may exercise all rights of the subject of personal location information.
      • 7. If the User's rights are infringed in relation to LBS provided by the Company, or the User needs to exercise the rights, you can get assistance from the Customer Center. If it is difficult to settle disputes related to location information between the User and the Company, the User may submit a request for mediation to the Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee in accordance with Paragraph 2, Article 28 of Act on the Protection, Use, etc. of Location Information and Article 43 of Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

      CHAPTER 4. Miscellaneous

      Article 16. Compensation for damages, etc.

      • 1. The Company does not make any contracts or give warranties for any specific matters not specified in these terms and conditions in relation to the Service to the extent permitted by law. In addition, the Company does not guarantee the reliability and accuracy of information, data and facts posted on the Service by method of providing by a CP (Contents Provider) or creating by a member and is not liable for any loss or damage incurred to the User without negligence of the Company.
      • 2. The Company shall compensate the User for any loss which has occurred due to the Company's negligence in compliance with these Terms and Conditions and relevant laws. However, the Company shall not be liable for the following loss or damage caused without the Company's negligence. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages to the extent permitted by law.
        • • Damages caused by natural disasters or equivalent force majeure conditions
        • • A failure to use the Service due to reasons attributable to the User
        • • Personal losses incurred in the process of accessing or using the Service
        • • Losses due to illegal access to or use of the Company's server by a third party
        • • Damage caused by a third party interfering with the transmission to or from the Company server
        • • Losses due to transmitting or distributing malicious programs by a third party
        • • Damage incurred in the process of using the Service by a third party, such as damage caused by omission, loss, or destruction of transmitted data, or defamation, etc.
        • • Other losses caused by reasons without intention or negligence of the Company

      ARTICLE 17. Notices and Announcements

      Our Company consider the exchange of opinions with the Users valuable. Users can visit the Customer Center at any time to express their opinions. The Company notifies or informs Users reasonably, such as sending an email to the email address used as a SALTED account or social login ID, sending a text message to the mobile phone number registered by the User, or posting notifications. Notices to all Users shall become effective by posting them on Notice page in Service for more than 7 days.

      ARTICLE 18. Dispute Resolution

      These terms and conditions or Services are stipulated and implemented by the laws of the Republic of Korea. If there is a dispute between the Company and the User relating to the use of Services, the Company shall consult it in good faith to resolve any disputes. Nevertheless, if unsettled, the case may be taken to the competent court of the Korean Civil Procedure Law.
      • • Date of Notice: March 15, 2021
      • • Effective date: March 22, 2021
        The previous Privacy Policy can be found below.
      • - Effective from December 12, 2019-March 21, 2021
      If you have any inquiries on Services (including location-based Services), please visit or contact our Customer Center.
    • < Chapter 1 Application of Terms and Conditions >

      Article 1 Purpose

      The purpose of this clause is to stipulate basic matters, such as rights, duties and responsibilities, terms and conditions of use and procedures, between users and companies, in relation to Salted Balance (hereinafter referred to as “Salted Balance”) provided by the Salted Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Company”). These terms and conditions apply mutatis mutandis to e-commerce transactions using mobile (Android, iPhone, etc.) apps, as long as their properties are not contrary to them.

      Article 2 Definition of terms

      The definition of the terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows and shall be in accordance with that stipulated by relevant laws and Service information.
      • - Salted Device: Refers to the smart device that is linked to the Salted Balance platform through Bluetooth communication and includes both salted shoes and salted insoles that can measure the user's balance.
      • - Salted Balance: Refers to the platform that allows the Center's trainer (hereinafter “Member (instructor or doctor)” to add Center Members (hereinafter “Member (Member))” and link Salted Devices to measure, store and share Member data and it refers to a mobile (Android, iPhone, etc.) app that provides convenience (body analysis, exercise recommendation, management, etc.) to instructors, and Members by providing the Company's Services in accordance with these terms and conditions.
      • - Center (instructor or doctor): Refers to the person who has signed up for the Salted Balance Membership as a trainer of the Center and has signed a Service usage agreement with the Company in accordance with these terms and conditions and has been given an ID. (People who may fall under the Center: institutions that provide various Services for exercise to individuals such as fitness, Pilates, yoga, golf, etc., institutions that provide medical Services to individuals such as hospitals and clinics)
      • - Member: Refers to a Member of the Center who signed up for Membership by verifying a phone number to share data acquired with the Salted Balance app.
      • - Distribution Contractor: Refers to the entity that the Center posts information about goods or Service products using the Services provided by the Company and sells them (classes, places, options and other products).
      • - Monthly Service Fee: Refers to the monthly charge the Center charges to use Salted Balance's solution and server linkage function.

      Article 3 Expression, Explanations and Revisions of Terms and Conditions

      Applying Terms and Conditions:
      Matters concerning the use and utilization of the Salted Balance shall be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in these Terms and Conditions and matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to laws or customs. If deemed necessary, the Company may amend this clause to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws, such as the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Transactions, the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, the Digital Signature Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protect and the Framework Act on Consumers. If the Company revises the terms and conditions, the date of application and the reason for the revision shall be specified and announced through the site from 7 days before the effective date to the day before the effective date with the current terms and conditions. However, if the terms and conditions are changed unfavorably to the Members, it shall be notified with a grace period of at least 30 days in advance. In this case, the Company clearly compares the contents before and after the revision to make it easier for Members to know. If a Member continues to use the Company's Service after the effective date announced pursuant to the preceding paragraph, it is deemed to agree to the revised terms and conditions. Centers that do not agree to the revised terms and conditions may freely terminate the Service (APP) contract at any time. Matters not specified in and interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall follow the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Consumer Protection Guidelines for Electronic Commerce set by the Korea Fair Trade Commission, as well as related laws or commercial practices.

      < Chapter 2 Service Usage >

      Article 1 Establishment of usage agreement

      The usage agreement is established by the consent of the person who intends to become a Member (hereinafter referred to as “Applicant”) and the Company's consent to the application. The Applicant's Membership is established when the joining is completed on the platform (Salted Balance) provided by the Company. The Applicant must be aware of the following matters announced by the Company for the Service before signing the Service usage agreement and make sure that it is used accurately without error.
      • a) Contents of the Service, how to use and how to terminate, etc.
      • b) Server policy for operating data stored in the Service, etc.

      Article 2 Approval of application for use

      The Center accepts the application for use by filling in the Member information according to the Membership registration form set by the Company and verifying the identity by e-mail authentication. When applying for the use of the Service (solution), the Member is approved by verifying the identity through SMS authentication of the phone number. The Company may request the customer to verify their identity by e-mail or SMS authentication when applying for use under the preceding paragraph. The usage agreement is established when the applicant agrees to the Terms and Conditions. Members are responsible for any disadvantages arising from modifying personal information or not notifying the change if there is a change in the application for use made at the time of application for Membership. The Company may refuse to accept the application for use or terminate the usage agreement afterwards and may request compensation for damages depending on the circumstances of the case.
      • a) Where the name of another person is stolen or false or misleading in the contents of the written content
      • b) Applying for rejoining after the usage agreement is terminated by the Company
      • c) If the applicant has previously lost his/her Membership under these terms and conditions, except where he/she obtains consent to rejoin the company.
      • d) Applicant intends to use the Service for illegal purposes or for the pursuing profit
      • e) The application is filed for the purpose of violating related laws or impeding the well-being and order of society or morals
      • f) If Company is suffered lack of facilities or technical difficulties in the Service operation. However, in this case, consent to use may be deferred until the reason is resolved.
      • g) Other cases where it is found that the application for illegal or unjust use is against these terms and conditions, or where the Company deems it necessary by reasonable judgment.

      Article 3 Initiation of Service usage

      The Company provides Service after the affiliated store's monthly payment is completed. If the Service cannot be started due to a business or technical difficulties of the Company, the Member shall be notified via phone, email, or SMS.

      Article 4 Service Hours

      In principle, the use of the Service shall be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the Service may be temporarily suspended for business or technical reasons such as regular inspections and the Service may be temporarily suspended during the period set by the Company for operational purposes. In this case, the Company shall notify the Service suspension and the period of suspension in advance. If there is an urgent or unavoidable situation that cannot be notified in advance, it shall be notified afterwards.

      Article 5 Changes and Suspension of Services

      The Company may change the server according to operational and technical needs. In this case, the Company shall notify details of changed contents and date of provision to the Member. The Company may temporarily limit or suspend all or part of the Service in the following cases.
      • a) Inevitable software Service maintenance, etc.
      • b) The Center intentionally interferes with the Company's Service providing activities
      • c) The Service may not be maintained due to the circumstances of the Company, such as termination of the contract with the Distribution Contractor
      • d) A force majeure cause that the Company may not control such as the natural disasters, the national emergencies and the suspension of Service caused by administrative acts of state agencies (e.g. the Korea Communications Commission), government organizations, investigative agencies, court, etc.
      • e) In case of Service interruption, the Member is notified in principle. However, if there is a difficulty, urgent or unavoidable situation to notify in advance, it may be notified afterwards.
      • f) Up to 24 hours (hereinafter referred to as “delay time”) for one month in the inspection and repair of facilities for Service improvement are not included in the suspension or failure.

      Article 6 Provision of Information

      The Center provides personal information of the Company in using 'Salted Balance' and Members provide personal information to the Center using the Salted Balance to receive 'Salted Balance' data sharing and, provide information necessary for Service usage to the third party such as employees of Center.
      Personal information is used only for the purpose and scope agreed by Member for the smooth provision of the ‘Salted Balance’ Service. The Company shall not provide the personal information of Member to a third pay unless the Member agrees or by the law. Please refer to the Privacy Policy for the efforts or other details of the Company to safely handle the personal information of the Member.

      < Chapter 3 Usage Fees >

      Distribution Contractor: Information of usage fee can be provided by inquiring on the website or the Company, and it may be changed according to business circumstances and policies. In principle, changes shall be notified 7 days in advance. If any of the matters not specified in these terms and conditions are stipulated in the relevant domestic laws and regulations, they are subject to the relevant laws and regulations.

      < Chapter 4 Refund of Fees >

      The billing date of the Monthly Service Fee is the day the period of use begins, so the Monthly Service Fee may not be refunded. In the case of a regular payment, it shall not be charged if cancellation of subscription is completed before the expiration of the next month's usage period. If the Salted Device is contracted with the Monthly Service Fee in the form of a contract, the refund shall take precedence over the device price contract.

      < Chapter 5 Property Rights, Data Ownership and Use >

      Centers, Members and Distribution Contractors may provide, transmit and use media data and biometric data (information included in the Salted Balance Platform) in the Service or through the Service. In this regard, the Company uses the contents provided on the platform for copying, reproducing, applying, modifying, editing, etc. and this data is owned by the Company. However, such user information is applied only within the scope of the purpose of the Service in any case.

      Article 1 Intellectual Property Rights

      The Company grants the Center the right to use Services such as accounts, IDs, measurements, data transmission, etc., while the affiliated store has paid the Monthly Service Fee. The Company reserves all rights, ownership and interests of the Service and all rights, ownership, interests of all intellectual property rights including all data acquired through the 'Salted Balance'.
      Salted Balance or third-party ownership marks, symbols, trademarks, Service marks, trade names, logos or other marks included in connection with the Service may not be removed, hidden, modified or otherwise altered (including copyright and trademark marks). And it is agreed not to use any other person for the name or logo's owner, licensee, or authorized user (as the case may be) in a manner that is intended to cause mislead, confusing, or is likely to.
      Platforms, brands, products and Services, including Salted Balance and Salted, are all owned by the Company. The license is granted for the period of use for which the Monthly Service Fee is paid and the right to use is given to the Distribution Contractor.
      • a) A derivative platform (Service) or product may not be modified, copied or created as a platform providing the Service.
      • b) Licensing, access (accessing or using the Service for analysis of competitors), resale, lease, transfer, etc. to third parties other than Distribution Contractors are not permitted.
      • c) Copyright infringement of copying features, functions, interfaces and graphics of the Service is subject to relevant laws and regulations.

      Article 2 Data Ownership

      The Company has ownership of information, documents, media data and biometric data about users and the Company owns the aggregated data and data usage rights of users provided by or through the Service. The Company may create and use statistical data on the Member's personal information in relation to business and may transmit cookies, e-mails, etc. to the Member's mobile (Android, iPhone) app. Members can refuse this and the Company is not responsible for any disadvantage of being unable to use the Service by the refusal of the Member.

      Article 3 Disputes Related to Data

      If the Monthly Service Fee, which is the server operating cost, is not paid, the use of Salted Balance is restricted and access to the Center, Members' contents and other data is not possible. Also, data recovery is not possible if the Center with the administrator's authority has deleted data from the server. When a Member requests his/her data from the Center or Distribution Contractor, the Center or Distribution Contractor shall transmit the data to the Member and the Company does not have any connection in the dispute of ownership or access to the data. To resolve the dispute, the Company does not have an obligation to intervene and the user acknowledges and agrees. The Company complies with laws and regulations related to the operation and maintenance of Services, such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection and the Protection of Communications Secrets Act.

      Article 4 Service License

      Members and Distribution Contractor own and reserve all the rights in the Service, including all legal rights, ownership and interests and all intellectual property rights in the Service regardless of whether the data of the Member and the Distribution Contractor are legally guaranteed. The Company hold all the rights and data regarding the Services of the platform provided by the Salted Balance. No source code of the Salted (Service or part thereof) may be copied, edited, or extracted in a derivative production, reverse engineering, decompile, or otherwise, unless the Company explicitly permits in writing, or as long as it is permitted under law applicable to the customer. And the Company shall not grant or permit third parties any license to do this.

      < Chapter 6 Termination of Contract >

      If the Center wants to terminate the contract, he/she must contact the Company or apply for Service termination online. When the Center terminates the contract, all the Member's personal information and data (e.g. postings created by the member and registered in the Member's account) shall be deleted immediately after termination is completed, except the Center’s information hold by the Company in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

      < Chapter 7 Prohibition of Transfer >

      The Center may not transfer or give the right to use mobile app Services, other contractual status to others and all rights and responsibilities are to the Members when implementing it. The transfer of purchased usage rights differs according to the policies of each Distribution Contractor and for details, you can directly inquire through the Distribution Contractor and transfer and donate the usage rights according to the applicable policy through the Distribution Contractor. All rights and responsibilities for the transfer of usage rights depend on the policy of the Distribution Contractor.

      < Chapter 8 Compensation for Damage, Disclaimer, etc. >

      If the Company is unable to provide the Service due to natural disasters or equivalent force majeure, the Company is exempted from responsibility for the provision of the Service. The Company is not responsible for any disruption in Service usage due to reasons attributable to the Center. The Company is not responsible for the usage rights purchased through the Distribution Contractor and is not responsible for any other damages caused by data obtained through the Service. The Company is not obligated to intervene in the dispute caused by the Service as a medium between Members or between Members and third parties or Distribution Contractors and is not responsible for any damages caused by this. The Company is not liable unless there are special provisions in the relevant law regarding the Service usage provided free of charge.

      < Chapter 9 Jurisdiction and Governing Law >

      • 1. The jurisdiction of litigation concerning disputes between the Company and users in relation to the Service usage is governed by the Civil Procedure Act.
      • 2. This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea.

      These terms and conditions shall be effective from December 05, 2019.